「Soroban girls' YAMANEKOs came to school.」

↑The special YAMANEKOs, which soroban girls made, came to my school today. I displayed it next to students’ YAMANEKOs. That’s the article that soroban girls gave them to me.
1月31日 そろばんガールズ山ネコが学校へ来たぞ
↑I heard the news that the suwa lake, which is the biggest lake in Nagano prefecture, has frozen over because of the cold this winter so it’s easy that my school’s swimming pool freezes over.
↑We put this fountain. It’s prevent the swimming pool from freezing over.
↑The special YAMANEKOs, which soroban girls made, came to my school today. I displayed it next to students’ YAMANEKOs. That’s the article that soroban girls gave them to me.
↑My students are very interested in soroban girls’ YAMANEKOs. “Welcome to our school!”