「Median Tectonic Line」

3月30日 中央構造線だぞ
↑This is Miwa Lake.
↑I can see the bridge from my
↑These signs are near my
house. It’s warning about falling rocks and something related to honey bee.
↑On the way to Ina city. What beautiful
↑We ate grilled beef all we
↑My aunt visited Ina-Central-Hospital.
↑This is the university I
graduated but is different department. I belonged to the department of education,
this is the agricultural department.
↑This is a town library.
↑I visited Bell Shine
supermarket to check the price of my favorite ice cream “Viennetta”. It was more
expensive than the same one in “the Big” supermarket. Oh man… Yet Bell Shine
has a different flavor which I didn’t know. I may buy it next time.
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