Friday, December 9, 2011

9th Dec. Certification for an Old Man

Certification for an Old Man
12月9日 親父検定だぞ

It snowed a little bit. Though it melted immediately I was happy.

When we have a break, I always play with my classroom kids. This is the most famous play “Oyaji Kentei”. Kentei means certification and Oyaji means…what can I say?? Oyaji is the word, which expresses an old man, and we usually use the word in a friendly manner, so there is warmth in the word “Oyaji”
 We have to overcome a lot of playground equipments during the break time, at the end of the play; we can improve our Oyaji levels. Now I’m in the level 11, so I’d like to be a great Oyaji (Level 3,2,1 or more advanced levels.) Actually there are a few great Oyaji kids in my class.
 Yet I’m not sure why they want to be an Oyaji…they are very young.

In the evening, we had a dinner party. Old classroom teachers, who were in my school before and were in charge of the same age students, came together. Although I was not the member of the group, I was invited to the party as a special guest. Maybe because, I came back from Tonga. We talked a lot and had a very good time.

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