「Avalanche & The Final Day」

↑When it stopped working… Good-bye mova! I’ll never forget you.
3月31日 雪崩と最後の日だぞ
↑There was an avalanche in my school. One of my colleagues was caught in the avalanche, so I rescued him from early morning.
↑After 4 hours, the corridor, which was caught in a huge load, was restored and of course he was safe. Though there were huge loads, the situation was not so serious because I experienced more serious colleagues’ situations in Tonga and if Tongan volunteers miss the airplane, it wastes 150,000 yen (US$1,700) and he or she cannot come back to Japan. There was no hurry today, and he can move to the next school safely. No problem! Thank you for your trouble over the last 6 years in Azumino.
↑In return, I got these expensive garlic which is made in Aomori prefecture in Japan. Ordinarily I cannot buy it because it costs nearly 200 yen (US$22) for each bulb.
↑I usually buy this one which is made in China. It costs only 200 yen for a sack. I can make a luxurious meal thanks to the Aomori garlic.
↑After that, I was invited to a restaurant where all we can eat for a flat sum. We ate sushi and grilled slices of meat (yakiniku) all we wanted. Thank you so much.
I forgot to take a photo maybe because I concentrated on eating food.
↑By the way, my latest mobile phone service “docomo mova” has finished today. Oh man! I used this mobile for 7 years even I was in Tonga (as an alarm clock). Around midnight it lost its function because the docomo company stopped the service. I cannot use my mobile temporarily so I have to buy a new one perhaps tomorrow.
↑When it stopped working… Good-bye mova! I’ll never forget you.
[Movie] the last docomo mova動画:(131 sec, 54 sec, 15 sec, 13 sec)
One news paper said, there were still 200,000 people all over Japan, who belonged to the service (docomo mova), so I was not so rare. Although we have a population of about 120,000,000.
Torojiro先生の最新型携帯movaの記事 Articles of my docomo mova